Spiritual Counseling
In Spiritual Counseling, a space is created for you to process your past and present experiences. Serving as a witness, I reflect back what I’ve heard and through a series of questions and exercises, guide you to uncover your hidden beliefs and blockages. Engaging this transformative process strengthens your ability to release old stories and paradigms that have held you back. The discovery of new revelations about the past offers opportunities to construct narratives about your life that reflect healthy insights gained through continued living. You give yourself a chance to develop fresh perspectives about what you've been through. You give yourself a chance to deepen your clarity about what it is that you want from your life presently. Ultimately, you become more free. I am licensed to practice professionally as a Spiritual Practitioner, and am bound by a high code of ethics, which includes confidentiality. |
Spiritual Coaching
As a Spiritual Coach, I work with you to co-create strategies and next steps that support you in reaching your goals and dreams. Some say that hiring a spiritual life coach is akin to hiring a personal trainer for your soul. My role in our sessions is to stand in the undoubting knowingness of your strength, courage, unbridled creativity, and belief that you are here in this life to share your gifts and talents. You can rely on me for guidance, support and encouragement, as we work together to open this space of knowingness within you and work toward bringing your visions to life. Both Spiritual Counseling and Coaching sessions are generally 60-90 minutes. They can be done in person*, on the phone, one-on-one, or in a group setting. This is all dependent on what works best for your schedule, geographic location & comfort level. *During the time of COVID-19, sessions are virtual. |